



Open Access Article

Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (5) ; 73-75 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.sdr.20220159.

Design and Implementation of Book Sales Management System based on Python

作者: 陈紫洋 *, 刘子威, 张怡

武汉东湖学院 湖北武汉

*通讯作者: 陈紫洋,单位:武汉东湖学院 湖北武汉;

发布时间: 2022-10-26 总浏览量: 287



关键词: 销售系统;Python;MVC;书店


With the rapid development of the times, our lives have been inseparable from computer networks, and the rapid development of ecommerce is changing people's lifestyles. With the rise of various online shopping platforms, people have long been accustomed to buying what they need without going out. However, there are still very few online platforms for book sales, so designing a book sales management system is very promising. The book sales management system adopts the MVC model of Python + Servlet + JavaBean,which separates data objects, business logic and user interface. The system is divided into two roles: user and administrator. After the user registers and logs in, he can browse books, browse announcements, purchase books, and the administrator can manage and maintain the system after logging in. The book sales management system is convenient for users to operate, meets the needs of users to buy books anytime and anywhere, not only saves time for users, but also improves the purchase efficiency of users. For bookstore owners, it not only improves sales efficiency but also reduces time and labor costs.

Key words: Sales System;Python; MVC; Bookstore

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陈紫洋, 刘子威, 张怡, 基于Python的图书销售管理系统的设计与实现[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (5) : 73-75.