Open Access Article
Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (7) ; 63-65 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.sdr.20220208.
Research on job burnout of young teachers in Higher vocational colleges and countermeasures
成梦瑶 *
三亚航空旅游职业学院 海南三亚
成梦瑶,单位:三亚航空旅游职业学院 海南三亚;
发布时间: 2022-11-28 总浏览量: 801
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近年来,随着国家对高职院校的重视,高职院校发展壮大,教育资源日趋增加,师资规模也逐步扩大。这也吸引了一大批青年选择去高职院校就职,踏上教育教学的事业岗位,成为了高职院校里的一股新鲜力量。但是由于多重原因的影响让大部分高校青年教师对于自己的职业产生了一定的职业倦怠问题。职业倦怠对于青年教师本人的身心、在教育教学活动之中的教学质量、高职院校的师资队伍建设等都有这不容小觑的负面影响。 所以本文就是对高职院校青年教师的职业倦怠表现和原因进行一定的研究,并提出相应的应对方法来减少高职院校青年教师的职业倦怠情况。
关键词: 高职院校;青年教师;职业倦怠;应对方法
In recent years, with the national attention to higher vocational colleges, higher vocational colleges development and growth, educational resources are increasing, the scale of teachers is gradually expanding. This has also attracted a large number of young people to choose to work in higher vocational colleges, set foot on the career of education and teaching, become a fresh force in higher vocational colleges. However, due to the influence of multiple reasons, most of the young teachers in colleges and universities have a certain job burnout problem for their profession. Job burnout has a negative impact on the body and mind of young teachers, the quality of teaching in education and teaching activities, and the construction of teaching staff in higher vocational colleges. Therefore, this paper is to conduct a certain study on the performance and causes of job burnout of young teachers in higher vocational colleges, and put forward corresponding countermeasures to reduce the job burnout of young teachers in higher vocational colleges.
Key words: Vocational colleges, young teachers, job burnout, coping methods
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